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PennDOT reports Derry Street Road Project begins week of 9/16/24.
Paxtang Municipal Building, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Borough Office 717-564-4770 | Non-emergency Police/Fire 717-558-6900
Updates at the Paxtang Municipal Building
Paxtang Borough's status update with the now independent Paxtang Fire Company #1
June 2024 -- Paxtang Borough remains committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community through reliable fire coverage services. In the summer of 2022, the Paxtang Borough Council unanimously voted to secure fire coverage from Swatara Township, thereby terminating our previous arrangement with the Paxtang Fire Company #1. Additionally, since January 2023, Paxtang Fire Company #1 has not provided Mutual Aid fire services to our Borough, nor has it been engaged to provide coverage to surrounding municipalities including but not limited to Swatara Township, Penbrook Borough, Susquehanna Township, or Lower Paxton Township.
Despite not providing fire protection services to Paxtang Borough nor most Boroughs or Townships in the area, the Paxtang Fire Company #1 has refused to vacate the Borough’s municipal building, to reimburse Paxtang Borough for Borough funded public utilities, and to return valuable equipment purchased solely with Borough funds, leaving the Borough no choice but to file a lawsuit for ejection. Our latest settlement offer, presented on June 4, 2024, was unfortunately rejected by the now independent Paxtang Fire Company #1. The Fire Company is compelling the Borough to engage in costly discovery before engaging in settlement negotiations. The Borough will be seeking to compel the Fire Company to participate in court ordered settlement negotiations.
We continue to provide necessary government services and authorized uses of the entire Paxtang Municipal Building in the most cost-effective manner possible. We are actively pursuing a resolution that serves the best interests of our residents and ensures seamless municipal operations.
We appreciate the understanding and patience of our community during this process. Paxtang Borough will continue to prioritize public safety and operational efficiency as we work towards a sustainable solution.
As this matter is in continued litigation, no further comments or statements will be issued at this time.