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PennDOT reports Derry Street Road Project begins week of 9/16/24.
Paxtang Municipal Building, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Borough Office 717-564-4770 | Non-emergency Police/Fire 717-558-6900
Audience Participation is welcomed at each Workshop or General Business Council Meeting. Each Borough Resident or Business Owner is allowed 3 minutes to address the Councilmembers. Any items to be considered by Council and placed on the Agenda, must be submitted to the Borough Manager no later than close of business the Wednesday before the scheduled General Business Council Meeting (typically held on the third Tuesday of the month unless otherwise set on the Council Meeting Schedule).
2024 Reorganization Meeting is the evening of Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Borough Council Members are elected "at large" and represent the entire Borough. Council members are elected to a four year term. Use the links below to access council documents:
Kathy Bloss
Council President
Councillor Bloss was elected to Borough council in 2016 and is a long time resident of Paxtang, having lived in the Borough for over 35 years. She and her husband Robin are parents of three grown sons. Bloss has been in the banking industry her entire professional career that spans 25 years.
Eric Fillman
Council Vice President
Administration Committee Chair
Councilor Fillman has lived in the borough since 1995. He previously served on Borough Council from 2015-2017. His 36-years of public service (1984-2020) includes serving in: the PA Department of Transportation, the PA House of Representatives, the Office of the Governor, and the PA Office of Attorney General. Eric is a graduate of Central High School (Philadelphia, 1980), LaSalle College (Philadelphia, 1984), and the Widener University School of Law (Harrisburg, 1993).
Jack Thomas
Council President Pro-Tem
Health, Sanitation, and Codes Committee Chair
Councillor Thomas, along with his wife and two children, have lived in Paxtang this entire millennium (since 2000). He has served his community through the Paxtang Lions Club, coaching local youth sports, and as a substitute crossing guard on the Avenue. Jack is a PSU graduate and works professionally as a Field Operations Manager for a hail damage repair company.
Thomas Wingert
Public Safety Committee Chair
Councillor Wingert has lived in the Borough for 26 years. He served 2 terms on Borough Council in the late 90's through early 2000, when he resigned to pursue a career as a USA Ice Hockey Coach. Wingert Earned a Master Level Coaching degree in 2000.
Tom retired from Verizon, after 35 years in telecommunications, and USA Ice Hockey to enjoy family and home cooking. Since then he has picked up his camera and is enjoying his love for photography. He is glad to be back to serve the community of Paxtang...... Our home!!!
Jennifer Britten
Public Relations and Grants Committee Chair
Email: JBritten@Paxtang.org
Term expires Jan. 2026
Councillor Jennifer Britten has resided in the Borough for 25 years, with her husband and three children. She is Clinical Social Worker, who had a private therapy practice in Paxtang, and is currently an Associate Professor of Human Services at HACC. Jennifer has worked for several private, non-profit agencies. Jennifer has a master’s degree from Temple University-Harrisburg in Social Work and a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from D’Youville College (Buffalo, NY). She is a native of Niagara Falls, NY.
Corbin Bower
Property, Recreation, & Shade Tree Advisory Committee Chair
Corbin is a lifelong Harrisburg resident and has lived in the borough since 2014. He graduated from Penn State with a degree in Communications and Business Administration in 2014. Upon graduation he received his property & casualty insurance license. He currently works as a producer for James O. Bower Insurance specializing in finding insurance solutions for non-profit & social service organizations.
Email: MLeonard@Paxtang.org
Term expires Jan. 2028
Matthew Leonard
Highway Committee Chair
Councilman Leonard began his term in 2024. Currently, he is the manager of government and regulatory affairs for the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association and Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc. Previously, Matt has served as the communications director for the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, assistant counsel in the Pennsylvania Office of General Counsel and as senior aide to U.S. Senator Bob Casey.
Matt obtained his bachelor’s degree in political science and sociology from the University of Pittsburgh and his juris doctorate from Widener University's Commonwealth Law School. Matt was born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and currently resides in Paxtang Borough with his wife Ann and daughters Elise and Evangeline.
Committee Assignments 2024
Eric Fillman, Chairperson
Corbin Bower
Jennifer Britten
Public Relations & Grants
Jennifer Britten, Chairperson
Eric Fillman
Matthew Leonard
Frank Tittiger (Term Exp. 01/2026)
Phil Ficcara (Term Exp. 01/2028)
Jessica Yohe (Term Exp. 01/2030)
Matthew Leonard, Chairperson
Thomas Wingert
Jennifer Britten
Public Safety
Thomas Wingert, Chairperson
Matthew Leonard
Jack Thomas
Property, Recreation, and Shade Tree Advisory
Corbin Bower, Chairperson
Jack Thomas
Thomas Wingert
Health, Sanitation, & Codes
Jack Thomas, Chairperson
Eric Fillman
Corbin Bower
F. Joseph Spackman (01/2026)