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PennDOT reports Derry Street Road Project begins week of 9/16/24.
Paxtang Municipal Building, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Borough Office 717-564-4770 | Non-emergency Police/Fire 717-558-6900
Sidewalk Inspection & Repairs
Repair and maintenance of sidewalks throughout the Borough are the responsibility of the property owner. The Borough conducts a Borough-wide inspection of our sidewalks to ensure that they are being maintained to current Borough Code. The last inspection took place 2018. The 2023 inspection was completed and letters were sent to residents regarding instruction for any necessary repairs.
In an effort to make the borough a safe and accessible sidewalk community, a systematic inspection of all sidewalks throughout the Borough was established in 2013, and conducted every five years. The sidewalks were last inspected in Spring of 2023. The letter will include instructions of what needs to be repaired (identified with pink paint on the sidewalk which will wash away over time). Most repairs are minor and involve simply grinding down to reduce tripping hazards and/or caulking for cracks to prevent additional breaking and damage that would eventually require a sidewalk block replacement. When a replacement is required, sidewalk repairs will be examined by Borough staff BEFORE concrete pouring, in addition to a final inspection, to ensure that it is in compliance with the current safety standards and Borough Code and to inspect any cuts or damage to shade tree roots, so we may monitor the potential future impact on the Shade Trees.
If your sidewalk is deemed to be in need of repair, you will receive a copy of the "Sidewalk Inspection Form" which will indicate the type of violation and the specifications and options for repair. If no repairs are needed, you will receive a letter indicating that you passed the initial Paxtang Borough 2023 Sidewalk Inspection.
You can download a sample of the inspection document by clicking on the button to the right.
REMEMBER: You must obtain a building permit from the Borough prior to beginning all sidewalk repair work. If the permit has been applied for as a result of the inspection AND the permit application is submitted and issued by November 1, 2023, then the $15.00 permit fee is waived. This process allows us to track the property repair following the notice. See letter for details of your specific property.
ANY QUESTIONS: Please contact the Borough Office at paxtangborooffice@comcast.net or 717-564-4770.
NEW! Interpreting Your Inspection Form - Slide Show:
Use the arrows below to navigate through the slides for more information on interpreting the sidewalk inspection results. Clicking on the slide show will open the slides in a larger window for easier viewing.
Side 1: Interpreting the inspection report.
Side 1: Interpreting the inspection report.
Planning needed repairs.
Side 1: Interpreting the inspection report.