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Paxtang Municipal Building, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Borough Office 717-564-4770 | Non-emergency Police/Fire 717-558-6900
Paxtang Borough Services
SCROLL DOWN for information and links to Police Service, Fire Service, Taxes, Trash/Recycling, Parks and Recreation, Facility Rental, Schools, Highway, Stormwater and Public Transportation.
Additional information concerning Borough Services can be found by visiting the department specific links below

Police Department
Non emergency: 717-558-6900
Office: 717-564-2550
Police Service for the Borough of Paxtang is provided through an Agreement with Swatara Township. Use the button above to visit the official Swatara Township Police Department Site.
Police Chief Thomas Stauffer.

Fire Service for the Borough of Paxtang is provided through an Agreement with Swatara Township. Swatara Township Fire and Rescue Service, Fire Chief Mike Ibberson

For more information about "STEMS" Susquehanna Township EMS, Inc. (Ambulance Association), visit www.stems.us 717-545-0842
Click here: Membership information

Trash / Recycling
(717) 695-9716
2025 Trash/Recycling Collection Schedule
All garbage shall be placed in a bag and inside your issued trash container with the lid closed. All accepted recycle materials (Plastic bottles and jugs, Aluminum and Steel cans, Clean and dry newspaper, dry and flattened/no food contact cardboard, food/beverage cartons ) can be placed in your issued recycling container.
UPDATE: glass bottles and jars without caps are no longer accepted in curbside recycling.
Glass is ONLY accepted for recycling in the Glass Only collection container on the Municipal parking lot (back right side) behind the Paxtang Municipal Complex, 3423 Derry Street.
Please place at your designated trash pickup area on Wednesday evening and the empty containers removed from the curbside or alley designated area within 24 hours of trash/recycling pickup.
Do not place trash in the recycling container nor recycling in the trash container. Lids are clearly marked. Do not place yard waste in either container. Yard waste may be placed in brown paper yard waste bags found at grocery, home, garden, discount, and hardware stores.
CONTAINERS: In the Borough, one set of trash & recycling containers is issued per residential unit, per annual solid waste fee. Containers have printed bar codes/identification which are assigned to the specific residence. After the originally issued set of trash and recycling containers, one additional trash container may be purchased (total permitted toter capacity for trash, per residential unit, is up to 130 gallons).
Examples of TRASH receptacle options for your annual curbside solid waste/recycling service fee:
Each residential unit may use one of the following Paxtang Borough logo imprinted toter options:
-- one 95 gallon toter, or
--one or two 65 gallon toters (2nd one is purchased), or
-- one or two 35 gallon toters (if adding a 35 gallon - it would be purchased)
The Woodsy Waste (yard waste - hedges and shrub trimming, weeds, dead plants and vines). Please note "tree branches" may be collected if less than 4" diameter and 4 feet in length bundled. No more than 40 lbs. (Anything larger would need special arrangements made for an additional cost.) Yard Waste must be placed in a brown paper yard waste bag and placed out for separate pick up to be property disposed of at a compost facility. The paper yard waste bag contains the contents to transport in a special truck to the compost facility, however decomposes with the organic materials. Note: Grass clippings are not accepted at the Municipal Compost Facilities.
The Borough contracted Services with Harrisburg City Sanitation Division of Sanitation | City of Harrisburg (harrisburgpa.gov)Trash and Recycling Information - City of Harrisburg (harrisburgpa.gov)
Click links below for additional information:
Dauphin County Recycling Center
Schedule of fees/items collected.
Recycling FAQ in Dauphin County
PA Guideline for Recycling in your community
Curbside Recycling includes:
Plastic (Bottles and jugs)
Cans (Aluminum and steel)
Newspaper (Clean and dry)
Cardboard (Dry and flattened/no food contact)
NOTE: Glass bottles and jars without caps may be dropped off in the collection container at the Paxtang Borough Municipal Parking Lot (back right corner)
Click here: FAQ Trash/Recycling Curbside Collection
Please put only these items into your blue-lid recycling container: • Plastic containers imprinted with numbers 1, 2 and 5 (please rinse) • Aluminum, steel (tin) beverage and food cans/containers (please rinse) • Cartons-milk, juice, wine, soup, etc. (please rinse) • Newspaper, bundled in a paper bag or tied with string •
Glass is a serious contaminant in mixed recycling because it breaks and gets mixed in with the other materials. Please take your glass to the drop off bins located in the lot behind the Paxtang Municipal Building.
Trash: diapers, food and food stained paper & plastic, mixed paper: paper, old mail, magazines, any glass that is not bottles or jars, ceramics, porcelain, bake and cook ware, plastics imprinted with numbers 3, 4, 6 and 7, alkaline (household, single-use) batteries, garden hoses, extension cords, and Christmas lights.
BULK ITEMS You can dispose of one bulk item each week. Items include: furniture, mattresses, box springs, carpet, large appliances exercise equipment, entertainment units. • Tires: each household limited to eight per year, no rims • Small Engines: engines no larger than that of a walk-behind lawn mower can be a bulk item pick up. All fluids need to be removed responsibly before collection.
RECYCLING/DISPOSAL RESPONSIBILITIES • Household Electronics: small appliances, computer equipment and televisions should all be taken to the
Dauphin County Recycling Center (1625 S Cameron Street). We are very fortunate to have this facility available to us for the proper recycling of electronics, and it’s free of charge.
Plastic shopping bags, including dry-cleaning bags and other plastic film, can be recycled for Paxtang’s Lions Club Plastic Park Bench Project; look for the green barrel just inside entrance of the Municipal Building. (Clean and dry bags)
Additional Seperate Services: Construction/Demolition Waste: waste, including siding, timbers, soil, brick and concrete, must be taken to the Harrisburg Incinerator Transfer Station (19th Street). The fee will be $80 per ton. •
Rechargeable Batteries: batteries from power tools, computers, etc. can be recycled at the local hardware and battery stores •
For recyclable party store helium tanks, try CSR on Cameron Street 717-233-7927
New Resident? Click here for a Paxtang Borough Resident Guide

Robin Bloss, Coordinator
Mike McKenna, Deputy Coordinator

Property Tax Collection
F. Joseph Spackman
Paxtang Borough Tax Collector
3408 Rutherford Street
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Tax Collector Hours: Second and Last Wednesdays 3 to 6 pm & by appt. Closed Holidays.
--Property Tax Payments (which includes Solid Waste and Sewer Fees) are received by Joe Spackman, Tax Collector, at 3408 Rutherford Street in Paxtang Borough. NOTE: the residential (per unit) Solid Waste Fee and Sewer Service Fees are included with your property tax bill.
--Central Dauphin School District Taxes are also handled by the Borough Tax Collector, Joe Spackman.
--Earned Income Taxes,
--Local Service Taxes, and
--Business Privilege Taxes, for Paxtang Borough businesses and rentals, are handled directly with Keystone Collections Group.
Taxpayer Service: 866-539-1100
Employer Support and Compliance: 888-328-0558
Client Services: 855-697-3514
NOTE: the $50 Business Privilege License Fee is paid with the taxes by April 15th (mailed to current license holders by early March). All forms and payments are sent to Keystone Collections Group. Phone (724) 978-0300
Application For a NEW Business (Rentals included) Privilege LICENSE
SUBMIT NEW License ONLY Application to:
Paxtang Borough, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Prospective Purchasers/New Business: Click here for Zoning information.
will be mailed to the business owners by March. This must be completed for all businesses or Rentals.
**Borough Ordinance indicates there shall be no tax if the whole or gross volume of business transacted is less than $10,000, however, you must still complete the form
License Payment must be submitted with or without** tax payment by April 15. Please contact the Borough office 717-564-4770, if you do not receive your renewal mailing by March 15th.
RENTAL UNITS, are a "business" and require a Business Privilege License and filing of Business Privilege Taxes. Additionally, when purchasing a rental unit or business, a Zoning Application would be required under "Change of Ownership and/or Change or Use".
Required information kept on record in the Borough Office

UTILITIES/Contracted Services in the Borough
WATER - Service arrangements can be made directly with VEOLIA (formerly Suez) 717-564-3662
Click here for UPDATES on Veolia website to see work projects in the area.
PPL services the Borough of Paxtang.
Service arrangements may be made directly with
PPL (electric) or UGI (gas)
Trash/Recycling and Sewer Services are paid with Property Taxes and are managed by the Borough.
SOLID WASTE - Harrisburg City Department of Public Works (Curbside Trash/Recycling)
SEWER - Capital Region Water
REPORTING STREETLIGHTS: If you notice a streetlight is off, broken, or malfunctioning, call PPL customer service contact center 1-800-342-5775. You will need the location (closest street address) AND both sets of the pole number (located approximately 5 feet up the pole).
Please contact the Borough Secretary to request use of Saussaman Park. (At Paxtang Avenue/Simpson Road)
Rental Access and Use Rules (click here)
Rental/User Agreement

Facility Rentals
Please contact the borough Secretary to request/schedule use of the Borough Building Gymnasium.
Rental Access and Use Rules (click here)

Borough Office

Highway Department
Planned Microsurfacing or large street repair projects will be posted and notification to residents will be given through the automated phone Alert system prior to the project start date.
Fall leaf pickup schedule and street cleaning will be in the borough newsletter (Typically begins first week of November and runs 6 weeks).