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PennDOT reports Derry Street Road Project begins week of 9/16/24.
Paxtang Municipal Building, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Borough Office 717-564-4770 | Non-emergency Police/Fire 717-558-6900
Paxtang Borough Codes and Ordinances
This page contains the most frequently referenced Borough codes and ordinance Information. It is not an exhaustive list of Borough Codes. For any specific questions related to any Borough codes or ordinances, please feel free to contact the 717-564-4770 for assistance by the Codes and Zoning Official. Printed copies of Paxtang Borough Ordinances are also available for review in the Borough Office. Please see the Borough Secretary.
Quick Clicks
Please find below a few frequent inquiries. For further details on a topic, please do a search in General Code (ECode, found below) or request to speak with the Building Codes & Zoning Officer, Flood Plain Officer, Stormwater Management Officer, or Property Maintenance Enforcement Officer for specific inquiries. For official opinions, appropriate applications or a written request should be submitted.
Ordinance Amendment:
An amendment to Chapter 425, Section 10 and Section 14 of the Paxtang Borough Zoning Ordinance:
Amendment to the Paxtang Borough Zoning Ordinance Chapter 425, Sections 10 and 14. Prohibiting the sale of nicotine related products (vape shops and smoke shops) in the Conservation, Neighborhood and Downtown Districts of the borough.
Ordinance Amendment passed.
Visit the Ecode link below to view the complete code.
Paxtang Borough adopted the
International Property Maintenance Code of 2012
The next Boroughwide Sidewalk Inspection will take place in 2023.
If you have a question about your property and if you have any outstanding sidewalk repair violations, please contact the Borough Office.
If you have a sidewalk of concern in the borough, please contact the borough office to report the problem sidewalk location for review.
For Paxtang Borough Ordinances,
Fireworks Ordinance
Fireworks in Pennsylvania may not be ignited within 150 feet of any structure, which includes, but is not limited to homes, businesses, fences, carports, garages, trees/hedges, dog houses, sheds, or vehicles.
If you see someone setting off fireworks in your neighborhood, please call the police in the moment, so they may address it.
If you do not wish to contact the police, at least report it HERE for tracking purposes.
Click to review the 2022 Budget and Tax, Sewer and Solid Waste Ordinances.
Parking Vehicles and Traffic Ordinance Amendment
(this ordinance includes parking, signs, and streets)
Swimming Pools: Premanufactured or otherwise (greater than 24 inches deep) require a Building and Zoning Permit Application.
Do you live in the Floodplain? You need to know a few extra facts.
Paxtang Borough Floodplain Manager:
Robert Ihlein
Paxtang Borough, BCO and Zoning Officer, Robert Ihlein
Click Here: Dauphin County, PA Parcel Viewer
Zoning Hearing Board
Robert Greenwood
Lorraine Spangler
Elizabeth Marx
Alternate: Dawn Deaner