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PennDOT reports Derry Street Road Project begins week of 9/16/24.
Paxtang Municipal Building, 3423 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Borough Office 717-564-4770 | Non-emergency Police/Fire 717-558-6900
State Streets in the Borough
Link: PennDOT link (Active projects in Dauphin County)
During declared Snow Emergencies the Snow Emergency Routes must be kept open.
Snow Emergency Routes include Derry Street, Paxtang Avenue, and 29th Street.
Street Sweeping
Tuesday, September 10 - Thursday, September 12
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Curb to curb street sweeping takes place each summer with dates communicated in the Paxtang Post or via automated phone call.
The borough-wide street cleaning typically takes place in June. “No parking” signs are posted throughout the borough as a reminder of where you may not PARK each day.
With weather cooperation. . .
1. Even date - Even side cleaning. Odd date - odd side cleaning. Third day is secondary roads/alleyways with possible areas that were not accessible on the primary streets.
the “even” side of the street will be cleaned. Parking is not permitted on the even side of the street with even-numbered houses.
2. the “odd” side of the streets will be cleaned. Parking is not permitted on the side of the street with odd house numbers on Wednesday.
3. Secondary streets (also known as alleyways) will be cleaned. Third day, do not park in the alleyways/secondary streets, you may park on your property in the rear as you will still have access, but your vehicle must be completely on your property, not on the street or alleyway.
If you have a driveway, garage, or available parking area on your property, please park there between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. during the street cleaning.
We would also remind residents parking over a public sidewalk is NOT permitted at any time as the public sidewalks must remain Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant and fully accessible.
With your cooperation, we may clean our borough streets properly and efficiently. The “No Parking” signs will be removed by Borough Public Works upon completion of the street cleaning.
Please do not park on borough streets during announced times.
Note: Derry Street is maintained by the State and therefore Parking is permitted as normal on Derry Street during our street cleaning.
Street Repairs
Street repairs and microsurfacing take place in the summer/fall.
Borough street projects are planned for 2024.
I-83 beltway Project
PennDOT’s construction project, known as the I-83 Beltway Project, is underway in the Capital Region. Section I (on I-83 near I-81) is currently under construction. Sections II and III (near 283 and the Eisenhower Interchange) are in development and property owners are being contacted about the project and its proposed impacts. As the project is planned to stay on the South side of the railroad tracks, no houses nor businesses in Paxtang Borough are expected to have any direct impact. 29th Street Bridge (South of Derry Street Intersection), will be reconstructed as part of the project. The Borough is reviewing the borough roads and any parking or traffic issues current and potential traffic impact from the 83 project.
Learn more about the Upcoming I-83 Project:
Clean Roads = Clean Water
DO NOT sweep or blow grass clippings nor leaves into the street.
DO NOT leave piles of mulch laying on the street without a tarp to contain it.
DO NOT wash your car on the street or driveway and send the soaps or chemicals into the storm drains.
Visit the Stormwater Management Page to learn more